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Radishes are rich in nutrients and vitamins and will provide a lot of benefits if incorporated in your diet. Radish are very low in calories and do not have any cholesterol. They contain protein and fiber in substantial amounts. Radishes are rich in Vitamin C which is essential for strengthening body immunity and also serves a range of other purposes. Radish contains minerals like potassium, calcium, iron and manganese while folate is also present in plentiful quantity.


Other health benefits includes:

  • Weight loss
  • Helps in treating jaundice 
  • Helps in treating urinary disorders
  • Helps in blood pressure and diabetes
  • Brings relief from osteoarthritis
  • Protects your heart 
  • Treats respiratory
  • Good for your skin
  • Strengthen body immunity 
  • Fight cancer 


Radish has diuretic properties that stimulate the production of urine. But consumption of too much radish will lead excess loss of water from our body and may lead to dehydration. Excess radish consumption may also lead to low blood pressure and also cause hypoglycemia. People with gallstones and pregnant women should also abstain from eating this vegetable.

  • Ideas for usage

    • Raw 
    • Raddish cake
    • Kimchi
    • Salad
    • Braised with mince meat
    • Preserved raddish (Choy Poh)
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